Smart Surface™
Smart Surface™ is the soil stabilisation solution offered by Mackenzie Construction as a more sustainable surfacing alternative to traditional methods of road and pathway refurbishment and construction. It has the ability to treat host soils (both aggregates and sub soils) and recycle these into a useful and durable end product in a low carbon and sustainable manner.
In previous years, Mackenzie Construction had identified it was importing substantial amounts of quarried materials for the creation of temporary access roads which felt excessive, and the business set out to develop a more efficient and environmentally friendly method to create these paths and roads.
Working with a startup called ecoProactive, Mackenzie Construction identified an opportunity to use a hydraulic binder for soil stabilisation that would enable the creation and repair of paths, roads and hard standings using the existing sub-soil, requiring little to no importation of aggregates. Where sufficient material exists on site it is possible to have zero importation of aggregates and zero off-site disposal waste.
Smart Surface is offered as a low carbon and sustainable alternative to a traditional bitumen bound surface such as asphalt. This is now offered as a full package service and has been trialed across Scotland on projects with Scottish Water, Scottish Canals, a number of local authorities and private clients.
View our FAQs"Steep gradients, surface damage from motorbikes and restricted resources for ongoing maintenance meant that more traditional path surfacing materials would not have provided an effective solution and tarmac was not an option due to cost and landscape fit. The finished path at Clyde Walkway has typically surpassed expectations and, throughout the development and implementation of this project, the project partners were also hugely impressed by the commitment and professionalism shown by the Mackenzie Construction team to deliver the highest quality of end product. We have every confidence that Smart Surface will provide those involved in delivering and maintaining our outdoor access and active travel routes across Scotland with an alternative and genuinely effective solution."
Graeme Anderson, Technical Officer | Paths for All