Occupational Health Policy
It is Mackenzie Construction Ltd policy to provide, so far as is reasonably practicable, a healthy working environment for all our employees. This ensures that we will take steps to monitor and prevent the occurrence of any work-related disease or health risk. We shall also take steps to provide working conditions which are not only healthy and comfortable, but which will encourage optimum performance from employees.
The Legal Position
Our general duty to provide a healthy working environment is governed by the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999. These cover many aspects of employee health, which could be affected by our business undertaking. Where relevant, we also have duties under specific legislation, such as the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 and Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2007. Any health risk will be managed by carrying out a risk assessment, thereafter, control measures will be put in place to reduce health risks to our employees. Should a significant risk be identified any employees affected will be advised of the measures that will be taken in order to safeguard their health. If this involves any further training, health screening or medical advice then this will be implemented.
Fitness to Work
We recognise the importance of having a workforce that can carry out the work relevant to their job description. This is important for employees’ own health and safety, as well as their colleagues. For this reason, we retain the right to monitor the health of any employee working in any safety-critical task for the Company.
The starting point of the company’s Health Surveillance activities is by way of a questionnaire to ensure it meets with the requirements of the employee’s job description, at initial application for any new employment. This identifies any areas of concern or where health assessment or screening must be monitored or to take place. An Occupational Health Evaluation is then carried out on an annual basis where any health concern is highlighted, and investigation takes place by the Compliance Manager who will further investigate and refer the matter to the company Occupational Health Consultant if required. The aim is to eliminate further harm. This is carried out at the Annual Appraisal.
Areas of concern are:
- (HAVS) hand and arm vibration/ Vibration white finger
- Noise induced hearing loss/deafness
- Occupational Dermatitis
- Occupational Asthma/ Respiratory problems
- Musculo-skeletal disorders
- Diseases such as Leptospirosis and Hepatitis A
- Work Related Stress
- Drugs & Alcohol
- Smoking
Medical Referral
Should a problem arise which needs further clarification, we also retain the right after consultation and agreement to make a referral to an independent medical advisor of the Employer’s choice. Where this becomes necessary, the right of an employee to access any medical report is protected under the Access to Medical Reports Act 1988. This and any related information will also be kept in accordance with the requirements of the Data Protection Act 2018 and GDPR at all times.
Health Monitoring & Screening
Monitoring is an integral part of our Occupational Health Policy, and we work closely with our Occupational Health Advisors and involve our employees with regular updates and information guidance to ensure our health surveillance programme is working effectively. We also continue with straightforward procedures, for example, routine skin inspections. The frequency of health screening may have to be increased for employees carrying out more complex schemes, such as where employees are exposed to several hazards that need different types of health surveillance. For operatives who carry out risk associated generic tasks a Health Surveillance interview will take place. Where appropriate information is gathered and thereafter an examination/ referral to our Occupational Health Consultant for screening may be advisable and guidance and training are provided on how to minimise or eliminate future risk to health.
Absence Management
For employees absent for a lengthy period, a return-to-work appraisal is carried out by capturing the cause of any illness, carrying out relevant investigation. Return to work interviews are held by HR Manager with any employees who are absent from work when the absence is related to the possibility of a recurrence or where the employee is placed under the same work conditions which may have led to the condition or where long-term absenteeism has taken place.