Mackenzie Construction: Investing in our digital infrastructure
Mackenzie Construction has recently completed major upgrades to their information security management systems as part of a strategic investment in the digital and physical infrastructure of the business.
Working with IT supplier, Consilium, the team has successfully completed upgrades to the hardware and software of the business, in order to completely overhaul our digital infrastructure and develop stronger, scalable systems and more efficient working processes.
One of the aims of this investment for 2019 is to achieve an ISO27001 certification – an internationally acclaimed framework for information security management. ISO27001 is applicable to all sectors of industry and commerce and addresses the security of information in whatever form it is held. Achieving this standard ensures that any information, which is shared or stored, physically or digitally, is always appropriately protected to assist with the preservation of confidentiality.
The first step towards achieving ISO27001 was to complete the Cyber Essentials Plus accreditation. This provides maximum cyber security assurance including an internal vulnerability scan of our network, workstations and mobile devices. Mackenzie Construction was assessed against the Cyber Essentials Standard and was awarded a Certificate of Compliance in 2018.
From physical locking of computers to multifactor authentication facilities and an access control system with keycard entry, our team is focused on building a culture of awareness around the key issues in digital security for staff, ensuring everyone has a role to play in keeping data secure whilst enhancing capability throughout the business.
As both our digital and physical infrastructure has been upgraded to ISO27001 standard, the team is currently rolling out SharePoint (a web-based platform and document management system that integrates with Microsoft Office and provides opportunity for enhanced collaborative working with our clients) across the organisation, providing training to all staff over the next 6 months. This will improve process efficiency across the business and, for teams on site across Scotland, ensure that they have the capability to get the information they need at any time, no matter where they are based.
New laptops, phones and a full migration to the cloud based Office 365 suite this investment is one which will benefit both our team and our clients as we move forward into the modern workplace with Windows 10 to set the new standard for the construction industry in 2019.