Carbon Reduction at Mackenzie Construction (2022/23 to 2023/24 Overview)

Mackenzie Construction has achieved significant progress in reducing its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions over the past year. Between 2022/23 and 2023/24, we observed a remarkable reduction in GHG Emissions Intensity across two key metrics:

GHG Emissions Intensity 1 (tonnes CO2e/£M turnover):

    • 2022/23: 59.28
    • 2023/24: 38.08
    • Reduction: 64.34%


GHG Emissions Intensity 2 (tonnes CO2e/employee):

    • 2022/23: 13.37
    • 2023/24: 7.98
    • Reduction: 59.69%



Key Initiatives Driving Reduction

The substantial decrease in our carbon footprint is attributed to several targeted initiatives aimed at enhancing energy efficiency and minimizing emissions. These include:


Switch to HVO for Site Setups and usage within plant on site: 

  • By replacing gas oil and diesel with Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO) for our site setups and within both mobile and static plant , we have made a significant impact. The Eco site setups now incorporate hybrid battery packs, eco-friendly welfare units, and HVO fuel, resulting in a 97% reduction in CO2 emissions as per reports from Wernick Power Solutions, our generator and temporary power suppliers.


Use of Conveyor Belts:

  • We have adopted conveyor belts for material transport across sites, which not only reduces emissions but also minimizes manual handling, cuts costs, and decreases waste generation.


Hydrogen Cell Security Cameras:

  • The implementation of hydrogen cell security cameras on our sites has contributed to reducing our reliance on conventional power sources.


Net-Zero Kiosk Trial:

  • We are trialling a net-zero kiosk to replace standard tap kiosks on site. This innovative kiosk is designed to run on HVO, constructed with recycled plastic bottles, uses a cem-free design with basalt reinforcement for the base, and utilizes all excavated materials on site.



  • The continued roll-out of SMARTSURFACE technology has helped reduce embodied carbon emissions associated with our surfacing projects.


Electric Mobile Plant and Vehicles:

  • We are incorporating electric mobile plants, such as mini excavators, on-site and trialling electric vans. These efforts support the future integration of electric vehicles into our fleet.


Washing and Reuse of Overburden:

  • We have introduced the practice of washing overburden on-site and reusing it. This reduces the need for new materials, minimizes waste, and decreases emissions associated with material transportation and processing.




The concerted efforts of Mackenzie Construction in implementing these sustainable practices have not only led to a notable reduction in GHG emissions intensity but also set a precedent for continued environmental responsibility. We are committed to building on this momentum and further reducing our carbon footprint in the coming years.