Souters Wood DSR
Client: Scottish Water
Project value: £507,279.59
Location: Manorhill Road, Selkirk, Scottish Borders

The site is located on the outskirts of Selkirk, at the Scottish Borders, and accessed via a single-track road. The site is located on a very steep hill within farmland making access very difficult for even small vehicles.
The site welfare was set up 300m away from the tank at the foot of the hill. A temporary lay-down area was created using aluminium track mats to limit the transportation of materials on and off the site.
Project Scope
- Stockproof fencing to be erected along the access road with integrated sheep crossing points.
- Tank roof to be stripped and gravel set aside for reuse using conveyor belts.
- Removal of the existing waterproofing.
- Application of low carbon waterproofing system.
- Wash the existing gravel and place it back on the roof ensuring cleanliness measures are met by turbidity test.
- Application of 600m of internal joint overbanding.
- Application of 400m of external joint overbanding.
Carbon Saving initiatives used at the site
- Eco Welfare units and site setup.
- An aluminium trackway system to replace the imported stone.
- Gravel washing and recycling, ensuring cleanliness levels are met.
- Electric conveyor belts transporting materials onto the tank roof.
- New low-carbon waterproofing material on the tank roof.
- All power onsite was generated using HVO-fuelled generators and battery storage, including the heating and lighting within the tank.
Impact/Community benefit
Throughout the duration of this project, Mackenzie Construction worked closely with Scottish Water and landowners to limit the impact on the surrounding farmland and the drinking water supply. This project has accelerated the Scottish Water supply network programme, meeting the needs of the locals, and has ensured the quality of the drinking water is maintained for another 20 years.
Significant Carbon savings can be demonstrated when compared with compatible alternate technologies. The tables below shows just some of the Carbon saving initiatives implemented throughout the duration of Souters Wood DSR works.
55,500kg traditional methods reduced to 1332kg C02 using Carbon saving methods resulting in a massive 54,168kg (54Tons) of C02 saved.